對於分類:3. Dictionaries 的定義

接續【Python 百日馬】的進階課程,教你如何寫出好的程式碼。

本共學課程是 四堂系列課程 中的第三堂,相關資訊(2022/11/4)如下:

Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 3 - Hash Maps)
類別:Development > Programming Languages > Python ║ 內容:22 hours ║ 原價:NT$2,290
建立:2019-01-03 ║ 更新:2022-08-11 ║ 註冊:20,395人 ║ 語言:English ║ 字幕:有 ║ 評分:4.89 (1,216人)

系列課程第一堂的共同學習已完成,請參考該類別討論 Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)

系列課程第二堂的共同學習也已完成,請參考該類別討論 Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators)



  • Associative Arrays

  • Hash Tables and Hash Functions

  • Python’s implementation of hash tables

  • Dictionaries and Sets

  • Defining hash functions for our custom classes and why that is useful

  • Creating customized dictionaries using the UserDict class

  • defaultdict

  • OrderedDict and Python3.6+ equivalences

  • Counter (multi-sets)

  • ChainMap

  • Serialization and Deserialization

  • JSON serialization/deserialization

  • Intro to JSONSchema, Marshmallow, PyYaml and Serpy 3rd party libraries


  • functions and functional programming (recursion, *args, **kwargs, zip, map, sorted, any, all, etc)

  • lambdas, closures and decorators (including standard decorators such as @singledispatch, @wraps, etc)

  • iterables, iterators, generators and context managers

  • named tuples

  • variable scopes and namespaces (globals, locals, etc)

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