接續【Python 百日馬】的進階課程,教你如何寫出好的程式碼。
本共學課程是 四堂系列課程 中的第三堂,相關資訊(2022/11/4)如下:
Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 3 - Hash Maps)
類別:Development > Programming Languages > Python ║ 內容:22 hours ║ 原價:NT$2,290
建立:2019-01-03 ║ 更新:2022-08-11 ║ 註冊:20,395人 ║ 語言:English ║ 字幕:有 ║ 評分:4.89 (1,216人)
系列課程第一堂的共同學習已完成,請參考該類別討論 Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)。
系列課程第二堂的共同學習也已完成,請參考該類別討論 Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators)。
Associative Arrays
Hash Tables and Hash Functions
Python’s implementation of hash tables
Dictionaries and Sets
Defining hash functions for our custom classes and why that is useful
Creating customized dictionaries using the UserDict class
OrderedDict and Python3.6+ equivalences
Counter (multi-sets)
Serialization and Deserialization
JSON serialization/deserialization
Intro to JSONSchema, Marshmallow, PyYaml and Serpy 3rd party libraries
functions and functional programming (recursion, *args, **kwargs, zip, map, sorted, any, all, etc)
lambdas, closures and decorators (including standard decorators such as @singledispatch, @wraps, etc)
iterables, iterators, generators and context managers
named tuples
variable scopes and namespaces (globals, locals, etc)