Python Deep Drive II 第 2 節 – Sequence Types (17~24)

說明:udemy 的系統,如果新插入章節,原本的編號就會改變。以下編號為 2022/8/2 資料,未來可能不同,未來參考請以標題為準。

17. In-Place Concatenation and Repetition


說明 in-place concatenation 前,先複習一下 concatenation。

concatenation 串接。運算元 +,使用方式:a = a + b

in-place concatenation 原址串接。運算元 +=,使用方式:a += b

這裡的 in-place 是指相同的記憶體位址,運算後的值,存在原來的位址。

a = a + b 與 a += b 是否相同?

++= 是兩種不同的運算元。

如果 a, b 是不可變的物件(immutable objects),例如 numbers, strings, tuples。因為不可變 immutable,所以 in-place concatenation 無法改變 a 的值,執行 a += b 時,實際是執行 a = a + b,將運算結果存成新的物件(不同記憶體位址)。

We cannot mutate an immutable container! What happens is that += is not actually defined for the tuple, and so Python essentially executed this code:
t1 = t1 + t2
which, as we already know, always creates a new object.

我們先看範例(concatenation vs. in-place concatenation):

iframe 先移除,免得每次編輯都重新 reload

table for memory address

list += any iterable

以下執行後之 list1 位址皆不變:

list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
tuple1 = 5, 6, 7
print(id(list1), list1)
print(id(tuple1), tuple1, "\n")

# list += tuple
list1 += tuple1
print(id(list1), list1, "\n")

# list += range
list1 += range(8, 11)
print(id(list1), list1, "\n")

# iterable non-sequence types
# list += set
list1 += {11, 12, 13}
print(id(list1), list1)

In-Place Repetition

in-place repetition 原址覆接(*=):和 in-place concatenation 原址串接一樣的原理,list1 *= 2 會將執行後的結果,儲存在原物件 list1 的記憶體中。

不可變物件(immutable object,如:tuple)則是存成新物件,新位址。

補充:String Concatenation


19. Assignments in Mutable Sequences

幾個設定 可變序列 mutable sequences 值的方式:

  • append

  • insert

  • extend

  • in-place concatenation 原址串接

  • slicing 切分(一般翻譯為:切片)

本節即在介紹,以 slicing 切分 方式,實作這些功能:modify 修改、insert 插入、delete 刪除。

方式 語法 示範
indexing [ i ] 指定 [i] 的值,對照參考用。
slicing [ i:j ] slice(i, j)
extended slicing [ i:j:k ] slice(i, j, k)

modify 修改/replacement 置換

我們可以用任何 iterable 可迭代物件 來取代 sequence 序列 中的部分值,即使 len(object) 長度不同也沒關係。示範語法如下:

1. slicing modify 範例

list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(id(list1), list1)

list1[0:3] = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
print(id(list1), list1)

2. extended slice modify 範例

list1e = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(id(list1e), list1e)

list1e[::2] = ['a', 'c', 'e']  # 置換和被置換的 len() 必須相同
print(id(list1e), list1e, "\n")

重要:extended slice 置換和被置換的 len(object) 必須相同,否則會報錯。

delete 刪除

刪除其實就是以空的 iterable 可迭代物件,取代 sequence 序列 中的部分值。

list3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(id(list3), list3)

list3[0:2] = []
print(id(list3), list3)

insert 插入

插入剛好相反,將 iterable 可迭代物件,取代 sequence 序列 中某空白物件(雖然是空的,但其實已指定 index)。

list4 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(id(list4), list4)

print(list4[1:1])  #DEBUG: confirming it's a empty slice
list4[1:1] = 'abc'
print(id(list4), list4, "\n")

21. Custom Sequences - Part 2

Part 1 已經教了 Immutable custom sequence 不可變的自定義序列,這節我們要來學 mutable custom sequence。

實作 concatenation 串接 + 和 in-place concatenation 原址串接 +=,基本上就是 overloaded 多載 這些運算元。

repetition 覆接 * 和 in-place repetition 原址覆接 *= 也是。

運算元 實作 說明(我們預期)
+ __add__ obj1 + obj2
obj1 and obj2 are of the same type
result is a new object also of the same type
+= __iadd__ obj1 += obj2
obj2 is any iterable
result is the original obj1 memory reference (obj1 was mutated)
* __mul__ obj1 * n
n is a non-negative integer
result is a new object of the same type as obj1
*= __imul__ obj1 *= n
n is a non-negative integer
result is the original obj1 memory reference (obj1 was mutated)

補充: __iadd__ __imul__i,代表 in-place

add: addition 加法

mul: multiplication 乘法


overload 多載:可參考 中英程式譯詞對照,搜尋 overload


operators methods 說明
seq __getitem__ seq[n], seq[i:j], seq[i:j:k]
__setitem__ slice → assign an iterable
extended slices → len(slice) & len(iterable) 要相等
in __contains__
del __delitem__
n * seq __rmul__ seq * n 是 __mul__

__rmul__ 裡面的 r,是 right 還是 reverse?

22. Custom Sequences - Part 2a - Coding

在 Custom Sequences - Part 1 中,我們實作了 __getitem____len__。接著要來練習這幾個運算元:

  • concatenation (+)
  • in-place concatenation (+=)
  • repetition (*)
  • in-place repetition (*=)
  • index assignment (seq[i]=val)
  • slice assignment (seq[i:j]=iter and seq[i:j:k]=iter)
  • append, extend, in, del, pop


先從最簡單的 print 輸出開始,每步驟完成確認無誤後,再進行下一步。


The + and += Operators

一開始先用 print 做簡單測試,這部分跳過。

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def __repr__(self):
        return f'MyClass(name={})'
    def __add__(self, other):
        return MyClass( + ' ' +
    def __iadd__(self, other): += ' ' +
        return self

The * and *= Operators

    # 續上方程式碼
    def __mul__(self, n):
        return MyClass( * n)
    def __imul__(self, n): *= n
        return self

上方的程式,雖然可以順利執行 c1 * 3 c1 *= 4,但如果反過來 2 * c1,就會報錯。

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'int' and 'MyClass'

要解決很簡單,完成這個 method 即可:__rmul__

    # 續上方程式碼
    def __rmul__(self, n): *= n
        return self

The in Operators

in 運算元也很容易,實作 __contains__ 即可。

    # 續上方程式碼
    def __contains__(self, value):
        return value in

23/24. Custom Sequences - Part 2b/2c - Coding

接下來的幾個 method,是用 點構成的多邊形 作示範。

本範例有兩個 class,點(Point,由 x, y 座標組成)和多邊形(Polygon,由不定數目的點所組成。但為了示範 Custom Sequences,將不會用 named tuple 實作)

首先介紹了實數的分辨方式:isinstance(n, numbers.Real)

class Point

  1. The x and y coordinates should be real numbers only
  2. Point instances should be a sequence type so that we can unpack it as needed in the same way we were able to unpack the values of a named tuple.
class Point:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Real) and isinstance(y, numbers.Real):
            self._pt = (x, y)
            raise TypeError('Point co-ordinates must be real numbers.')
    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Point(x={self._pt[0]}, y={self._pt[1]})'
    def __len__(self):
        return 2  # 固定設為2
    def __getitem__(self, s):
        return self._pt[s]

class Polygon

接著設計第一版的 class Polygon:a mutable sequence of points

# version 1
class Polygon:
    def __init__(self, *pts):
        if pts:
            self._pts = [Point(*pt) for pt in pts]
            self._pts = []
    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Polygon({self._pts})'

看起來好像正常執行,但是目前的 __repr__ 回傳的是點的 sequences,而不是一個含了許多點的 list(multiple arguments, not a single iterable.)

# version 2
class Polygon:
    def __init__(self, *pts):
        if pts:
            self._pts = [Point(*pt) for pt in pts]
            self._pts = []
    def __repr__(self):
        pts_str = ', '.join(self._pts)  # TypeError
# TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, Point found
        return f'Polygon({pts_str})'
    def __repr__(self):
-       return f'Polygon({self._pts})'
+       pts_str = ', '.join(self._pts)
+       return f'Polygon({pts_str})'

但這個方法會有問題: because the join method expects an iterable of strings - here we are passing it an iterable of Point objects:

# version 3
class Polygon:
    def __init__(self, *pts):
        if pts:
            self._pts = [Point(*pt) for pt in pts]
            self._pts = []
    def __repr__(self):
        pts_str = ', '.join([str(pt) for pt in self._pts])  # OK this time
        return f'Polygon({pts_str})'

接下來開始實作 custom sequence 最基本的 __len____getitem__

完成後用 index 取值,以及 slicing,皆可正確執行。

Notice how we are simply delegating those methods to the ones supported by lists since we are storing our sequence of points internally using a list!

# version 4
    # 續上方程式碼
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._pts)
    def __getitem__(self, s):
        return self._pts[s]

實作 concatenation 和 in-place concatenation

驗證時要看 in-place concatenation 的記憶體位置是否未變。

# version 5
    # 續上方程式碼
    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Polygon):
            new_pts = self._pts + other._pts
            return Polygon(*new_pts)
            raise TypeError('can only concatenate with another Polygon')

    def __iadd__(self, pt):
        if isinstance(pt, Polygon):
            self._pts = self._pts + pt._pts
            return self
            raise TypeError('can only concatenate with another Polygon')

雖然 + 和 += 都運作正常,但參數只能接受 Point,無法接受 iterables。執行 p1 += [(2,2), (3,3)] 會報錯:

TypeError: can only concatenate with another Polygon

# version 6
    # 續上方程式碼
    def __iadd__(self, pts):
        if isinstance(pts, Polygon):
            self._pts = self._pts + pts._pts
            # assume we are being passed an iterable containing Points
            # or something compatible with Points
            points = [Point(*pt) for pt in pts]
            self._pts = self._pts + points
        return self

接著實作 append , extendinsert :

# version 7
    # 續上方程式碼
    def append(self, pt):
    def extend(self, pts):
        if isinstance(pts, Polygon):
            self._pts = self._pts + pts._pts
            # assume we are being passed an iterable containing Points
            # or something compatible with Points
            points = [Point(*pt) for pt in pts]
            self._pts = self._pts + points
    def insert(self, i, pt):
        self._pts.insert(i, Point(*pt))

Notice how we used almost the same code for __iadd__ and extend ? The only difference is that __iadd__ returns the object, while extend does not - so let’s clean that up a bit:

# version 8
    # 續上方程式碼
    def extend(self, pts):
        if isinstance(pts, Polygon):
            self._pts = self._pts + pts._pts
            # assume we are being passed an iterable containing Points
            # or something compatible with Points
            points = [Point(*pt) for pt in pts]
            self._pts = self._pts + points
    def __iadd__(self, pts):
        return self

__setitem__ method so we can support index and slice assignments

首先是 slicing 的實作(slice assignments):

# version 9
    # 續上方程式碼
    def __setitem__(self, s, value):
        # value could be a single Point (or compatible type) for s an int
        # or it could be an iterable of Points if s is a slice
        # let's start by handling slices only first
        self._pts[s] = [Point(*pt) for pt in value]

TypeError: type object argument after * must be an iterable, not int

然後是 index assignments:

# version 10
    # 續上方程式碼
    def __setitem__(self, s, value):
        # value could be a single Point (or compatible type) for s an int
        # or it could be an iterable of Points if s is a slice
        # we could do this:
        if isinstance(s, int):
            self._pts[s] = Point(*value)
            self._pts[s] = [Point(*pt) for pt in value]

這樣做雖然可以正確設定,但 assign a single Point to a slice 會報錯:

p[0:2] = Point(10, 10)

TypeError: type object argument after * must be an iterable, not int

另外,What about assigning an iterable of points to an index 的報錯容易誤導:

p[0] = [Point(10, 10), Point(20, 20)]

TypeError: Point co-ordinates must be real numbers.

# version 11
    # 續上方程式碼
    def __setitem__(self, s, value):
        # we first should see if we have a single Point
        # or an iterable of Points in value
            rhs = [Point(*pt) for pt in value]
            is_single = False
        except TypeError:
            # not a valid iterable of Points
            # maybe a single Point?
                rhs = Point(*value)
                is_single = True
            except TypeError:
                # still no go
                raise TypeError('Invalid Point or iterable of Points')
        # reached here, so rhs is either an iterable of Points, or a Point
        # we want to make sure we are assigning to a slice only if we 
        # have an iterable of points, and assigning to an index if we 
        # have a single Point only
        if (isinstance(s, int) and is_single) \
            or isinstance(s, slice) and not is_single:
            self._pts[s] = rhs
            raise TypeError('Incompatible index/slice assignment')

最後,del keyword and the pop method.

# version 12: `del` keyword
    # 續上方程式碼
    def __delitem__(self, s):
        del self._pts[s]
# version 13: `pop` method
    # 續上方程式碼
    def pop(self, i):
        return self._pts.pop(i)



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