Python 全攻略第五章 I/O with Files in Python
- Store game configuration, reflect status change
- Record the score & ranking data … etc.
- System change logging for review or debugging
Some common methods
- file = open(filename) → returns a file object (Best practice → combine with statement)
- → returns a string
-, whence) → Set the location for reading
- file.tell() → find the location
- file.readline() → read a line → from the location of the seek
- file.readlines() → returns a list (each line becomes an element of the list)
- file.close() → Open a file without using with statement → need to manually close it
Some common file open modes
- ‘r’ - reading mode. The default. Read the file only (the file must exist)
- ‘w’ - writing mode. Overwrite the content (create a new file if it does not exist)
- ‘a’ - append mode. Write data to the end of the file (the file must exist)
- ‘r+’ - reading mode plus writing mode at the same time.
- ‘w+’ - The exact same as r+ but → create a new file if it does not exist
- ‘a+’ - appending and reading mode → create a new file if the file does not exist
Python 3 added new modes (prevent from accidentally truncate or overwrite an existing file)
- ‘x’ - writing mode (raise FileExistsError if the file already exists)
- ‘x+’ - reading and writing mode. (raise FileExistsError or create a new file)
Best Practices
- Use the with keyword to ensure the file handle is closed once the actions completed
- More commonly, the readlines() method is used to store an iterable collection of the file’s lines
- Using the for loop iterator and readline() together is considered bad practice
- Many free programming notes for professionals Goalkicker
# files/
with open("a.txt", encoding="utf-8") as f, open("a_copy.txt", "x", encoding="utf-8") as fw:
lines = [line.strip() for line in f]
import shutil
shutil.copyfile("a.txt", "a_copy2.txt")
81 Introduction to I/O with Files (Text file)
file = open("myfile.txt")
# print(file)
print( # 讀前五個 bytes
print(" -> " * 10, "讀前七個 bytes, seek 值為 7")
print( # 讀取整份文件, 讀取後 seek 將停在最後面,
print(" -> " * 10, "由 seek 7 往後讀整份文件至最後")
print( # 再執行一次就讀不到東西
print(" -> " * 10, "因 seek 值已到最後,再執行一次就讀不到東西") # 移到檔案最前面
print(" -> " * 10, "將 seek 歸零,再重讀一次整份文件")
Now and
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 讀前七個 bytes, seek 值為 7
Your name comes up in conversation with my friends
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 由 seek 7 往後讀整份文件至最後
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 因 seek 值已到最後,再執行一次就讀不到東西
Now and then
Your name comes up in conversation with my friends
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 將 seek 歸零,再重讀一次整份文件
82 Readline, readlines & close
file = open("myfile.txt")
# print(file.readlines()) -> returns a list
for line in file.readlines():
Now and then
Your name comes up in conversation with my friends
# 當文件非常大時,不適合使用 readlines()
file = open("myfile.txt")
print(file.readline()) #讀第一行
print(file.readline()) #讀第二行
Now and then
Your name comes up in conversation with my friends
# 套用迴圈,逐行讀取
file = open("myfile.txt")
while True:
line = file.readline()
if line == "":
Now and then
Your name comes up in conversation with my friends
83 Encoding 編碼
# 讀取含有中文的文件
file = open("myfilecht.txt", encoding="utf-8")
print( # 讀前五個 bytes
print(" -> " * 10, "讀前五個字元, seek 值為 5")
print( # 讀取整份文件, 讀取後 seek 將停在最後面,
print(" -> " * 10, "由 seek 5 往後讀整份文件至最後")
print( # 再執行一次就讀不到東西
print(" -> " * 10, "因 seek 值已到最後,再執行一次就讀不到東西") # 移到檔案最前面
print(" -> " * 10, "將 seek 歸零後,再重讀一次整份文件")
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 讀前五個字元, seek 值為 5
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 由 seek 5 往後讀整份文件至最後
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 因 seek 值已到最後,再執行一次就讀不到東西
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 將 seek 歸零後,再重讀一次整份文件
84 With Statement and Modes
with open("myfile.txt") as myFile:
fileContent =
Now and then
Your name comes up in conversation with my friends
# mode a -> append (加入兩行變成四行)
with open("myfile.txt", mode="a") as myFile:
myFile.write("Learning Python is so fun.\nLearning Java is so fun as well.\n")
# mode w -> write (直接覆蓋四行,只剩二行)
with open("myfile.txt", mode="w") as myFile:
"Learning Python is so fun.\nLearning Java is so fun as well.\n")
# mode x -> create ( Python 3 才有, 防止覆寫並可建立新檔案)
with open("myfile1.txt", mode="x") as myFile:
"Learning Python is so fun.\nLearning Java is so fun as well.\n")
85 Deleting Files and Folders
- import OS module
- os.rmdir - Can use to delete empty folder only, we can use shutil instead
import os
os.remove("index.html") # os unlink functionality
OSError Traceback (most recent call last)
c:\Users\\Desktop\PyCode\Chapter05\IO in Python_81-85.ipynb Cell 16 line 3
<a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/'>1</a> import os
<a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/'>2</a> os.remove("index.html") # os unlink functionality
----> <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/'>3</a> os.rmdir("newFolder")
OSError: [WinError 145] The directory is not empty: 'newFolder'