Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings

Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings
16. Day 2 Goals: what we will make by the end of the day
17. Python Primitive Data Types
測驗 3: Data Types Quiz
18. Type Error, Type Checking and Type Conversion
19. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Data Types
20. Mathematical Operations in Python
21. [Interactive Coding Exercise] BMI Calculator
22. Number Manipulation and F Strings in Python
23. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Life in Weeks
測驗 4: Mathematical Operations Quiz
24. Day 2 Project: Tip Calculator
25. You are already in the top 50%

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這樣我們就可以繼續下一 Day,謝謝!
當然! 我們也歡迎各方高手來幫解。