對於分類:2. Iteration, Generators 的定義

接續【Python 百日馬】的進階課程,教你如何寫出好的程式碼。

本共學課程是 四堂系列課程 中的第二堂,相關資訊(2022/7/16)如下:

Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators) 本連結未含優惠碼
類別:Development > Programming Languages > Python ║ 內容:36 hours ║ 原價:NT$2,290
建立:2018-06-27 ║ 更新:2022-04-17 ║ 註冊:24,623人 ║ 語言:English ║ 字幕:無 ║ 評分:4.90 (1,821人)

系列課程第一堂的共同學習已完成,請參考該類別討論 Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)


  • sequences

  • iterables

  • iterators

  • generators

  • comprehensions

  • context managers

  • generator based coroutines


  • functions and function arguments

  • packing and unpacking iterables and how that is used with function arguments (i.e. using *)

  • closures

  • decorators

  • Boolean truth values and how any object has an associated truth value

  • named tuples

  • the zip, map, filter, sorted, reduce functions

  • lambdas

  • importing modules and packages

Python 基本語法

  • data types (numeric, string, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, etc)

  • for loops, while loops, break, continue, the else clause

  • if statements

  • try…except…else…finally…

  • basic knowledge of how to create and use classes (methods, properties)

  • understand how certain special methods are used in classes (such as init, eq, lt, etc)

本課程 github 原始碼