對於分類:1. Functional 的定義

接續【Python 百日馬】的進階課程,教你如何寫出好的程式碼。


Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional) 本連結未含優惠碼
類別:Development > Programming Languages > Python ║ 內容:46 hours ║ 原價:NT$2,490
建立:2018-03-01 ║ 更新:2022-06-30 ║ 註冊:39,580人 ║ 語言:English ║ 字幕:無 ║ 評分:4.81 (8,052人)


  • Variables - symbols pointing to objects in memory

  • Namespaces and scope

  • Python’s numeric types

  • Python boolean type

  • Run-time vs compile-time and how that affects function defaults, decorators, importing modules, etc

  • Functions in general (including lambdas)

  • Functional programming techniques (such as map, reduce, filter, zip, etc)

  • Closures

  • Decorators

  • Imports, modules and packages

  • Tuples as data structures

  • Named tuples

研讀本課程的先決條件(Python 基本語法)

  • variables and simple types such as str, bool, int and float types

  • for and while loops

  • if…else… statements

  • using simple lists, tuples, dictionaries and sets

  • defining functions (using the def statement)

  • writing simple classes using the class keyword and the init method, writing instance methods, creating basic properties using @property decorators

  • importing modules from the standard library (e.g. import math)

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